Charlie Morgan is a national grassland specialist who worked for IGER/IBERS for 22 years where he helped develop new grass varieties and grazing methods to benefit UK agriculture. He is recognised as a leading expert in grassland management and will be available to offer specialist advice to farmers in the catchment groups facilitated by Chris Seabridge. Mr Morgans will be in the Blithfield catchment on Thursday 7th September 2017 from 12.00 to 3.00pm, at The Blythe Inn, Booth Lane, Nr Kingstone, ST18 0LT, and in the Lonco Brook catchment that evening from 7.00 to 9.30 pm at Offley Grove Farm, Adbaston, ST20 0QB.
Both events will include advice on soil and grassland management including re-seeding, effective weed control and improving soil condition as well as ways to rejuvenate swards in pastures and meadows with discussion of the different types of machinery to tackle the various grassland management issues and advice on selecting and using machinery for the best results.
The Blythe Inn event will include a working demonstration of a flat lifter (by kind permission of Tim Pratt) whilst the event at Offley Grove farm will offer the chance for farmers to bring along an intact spade full of soil for assessment of the condition of soil under their grassland.
The events are for members of the farmer groups in the Blithfield Reservoir and Lonco Brook catchments, but non-members who farm land in the relevant catchment are very welcome.
If you would like to attend one of the events please book your place(s) by telephone 01785 710564 or email by Monday 4th September 2017